How awful is MTV sur-reality show Jersey Shore , whose cast has taken over the otherwise idyllic hamlet of Seaside Heights? So bad, so awful, so hurtful, CNN reports, that Garden State residents say it gives their state a bad rep. In a poll of 1,190 New Jersey voters conducted this month by Connecticut's Quinnipiac University, 54 percent said Jersey Shore was bad for the state's image. The naysayers aren't just fans of Republican Gov. Christie , who has blasted the show and its brainiac stars Snooki , The Situation, and JWoww as part of a Jersey-hating conspiracy by New Yorkers. (The cast is overwhelmingly from New York.)
J-Shore loathing is one of the only bipartisan stances left in the nation: Fifty-seven percent of Republicans and 52 percent of Democrats agreed.
Poll director Maurice Carroll puts it bluntly: "New Jerseyans to New York: Keep your lowlifes at home and away from our seashore," he said.
Can I just remind New Jersey that New York, and to a lesser extend Pennsylvania are the reason that the wretched piece of land has any residents to begin with? If it wasn't for New Yorkers and Philadelphians invading your "seashore" (sidenote: using the term "seashore" is also a reason you should off yourself) - and populating your suburbs is the only reason you have any sort of an economy to begin with... Quit your bitching that a reality show is ruining your reputation. Your reputation was ruined when you accepted the first bag of trash from New York. Take a look in the mirror Jersey, have you seen Camden recently, not exactly the crown jewel of the country.
"Jersey Shore" probably brings more money to the fleabag town of Seaside than the normal freak parade that occupies that town. PS: Fix up your decrepit places people actually would to visit like Atlantic City and quit complaining about an MTV show.
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